These designs are retiring so get them and download while you can!
This is a bundle of 48 headband mascot sliders for 1 fantastic price
They are all done in the same font with a swish/tail
Some are 4x4 and 5x7 and some are both
Badgers, bearcats, bears, blackcats, bobcats, broncos, bucs, bulldogs, cardinals, carolina, carolina basketball, carolina football, cats, Chiefs, colts, cougars, dogs, dragons, eagles, gators, highlanders, hurricanes, lancers, leopards, lions, mohawks, norskies, packers, panthers, patriots, pilots, raiders, rockets, royals, saints, spartans, terps, texans, trogans, war eagle, warriors, wolf pack, wolverines, yall, cowboys, blues, ravens, vikings
+ bonus sliders